
Categories of Space

  • Positive Space: The main focus of the picture (actual objects)
  • Negative Space: The space around main focus.
  • Picture Pane: The flat surface of your drawing paper or canvas.
  • Composition: The organization and placement of the elements on your picture plane.
  • Focal Point: The object or area you want the viewer to look at first.

Types of Perspective:

Nonlinear Perspective is the method of showing depth that incorporates the following techniques.

  • Position: Placing an object higher on a page makes it appear farther back then objects placed lower on the page.
  • Overlapping: When an object overlaps another object it appears closer to the viewer, and the object behind the object appears farther away.
  • Size Variation: Smaller objects appear farther away in the distance. Larger objects look closer.
  • Color: Bright colors look like they are closer to you and neutral colors look like they are farther away.
  • Value: Darker values look like they are farther back and lighter values look like they are closer.

Linear Perspective is the method of using lines to show the illusion of depth in a picture.

  • One-point Perspective: When lines created by the sides of object look like they are pointing to the distance and they all meet at one point on the horizon.
  • Two-point Perspective: Here the lines look like they are meeting at two points on the horizon line.